A Day at The Beach

We went down to Aptos today to spend the day with Kaky. We picked up Emmy at San Jose State from soccer practices (6-8:30am and 11am-1pm... how does she do it!?) and Heff drove his girls over the hill to the beach. Our good friend Anne Coogan packed our car with homemade meals and treats to feed an army. Thank you so much Anne, everything is delicious! We took Francie down to the beach with Emmy and Drew to enjoy the sunny beach day (where is this storm they are talking about?) and Emmy worked her magic with a camera and got some great shots of Francie on the beach.


Francie did not like the sand on her hands at first and kept saying "Uh-oh all dirty!"

but it didn't take her long to love everything about the beach!

Emmy's good friend Alexis made a very special quilt for Kaky with an embroidered heart that says "Covered in Love" and then made them for all of the girls (Me, Em, Jan and Mimi) that say "Covered in Kaky's Love." They are gorgeous and so nice to cuddle under... then today she dropped off this cute little skirt she made for Francie with all the extra pieces of fabric!! Francie's has a little mini version of the heart with a "K" on it for Kaky. THANK YOU so much Alexis, they are all so special and you were so sweet to put so much time and  thoughtfulness into this project :)

Francie got attacked by a monster wave and had to get naked ;)

should I photoshop a bikini on her? ;)


My sweet girl

The Heff's on the beach (thanks for being our sherpa Daddy:)

can't resist pinchin' the bum

Thanks for taking these pictures Em! We love you.