Happy Birthday Mardi Gras

Francie and I re-organized her toy bins last night and put all her pretty necklaces in one place, how did she accumulate so many!? This morning she put them all on at once with her bracelets and fancy sunglasses and said "Ooooooo." I told her to say "Happy Mardi Gras" and she said "Hat-to-birt-day Mardi Gaa!" After her Auntie Baby Ann left her new favorite words are "Eww, goss (gross)" and "Too tacky!" ABA babysat on Saturday night so Heff and I could go out to dinner for a belated double-birthday celebration with our friends Chad and Lindsey (It was Chad's real birthday and Heff's one week late:) ABA took Francie to Safeway to get some groceries to make dinner for my parents and let Francie ride in the giant blue car/cart that plays movies and has "buttons." Somewhere along the way Francie lost her giant bow/headband and when we picked up Francie at the end of the night and told her to say thanks to ABA for watching her she looked at Ann and said "Bow-bow. Woose." She was very disappointed in her auntie! But she told her dad she can get a new one at "Wa Cirque!" She is entertaining lately, that's for sure.
Happy Fat Tuesday from Little Miss Francie!

Fancy Francie


All done with the pretties

A big smooch for bath doll, "wrap up" in a blanket to "hod tight" She loves her dollies.

sitting in her favorite big girl chair from Jannie (and sitting ON her poor doll)

Here is a video of Francie wishing you a Happy Birthday Mardi Gras. (It should be edited after about 6 seconds... sorry about the fake cry/whine and time-out battle that ensues afterwards, it was almost nap time :) and she's kneeling on her favorite Aunt Marge stool so it kind of looks like she is shaking.