A Special Visit with Kaky

We were at the hospital most of the day on Wednesday with our Kaky and had such a nice day with her. She was feeling pretty good and spent lots of time visiting with all of us. Kaky was so cute with Francie... they played with their little doggies "baby ow-wa" and "new ow-wa" (Francie gave her the mini version of her doggie and makes sure to tell her that little one is "YOURS" and every time Francie comes to visit Kaky has her Ow-wa hiding somewhere on her bed :) Francie showed off her walking on tip-toes and twirling skills, showed Kaky the latest of her favorite books (they went through every page of her "Family and Favorite People" shutterfly book!) and Kaky asked her over and over to say Kaky's favorite Francie-sayings: "I miss you TOO!" and singing her version of "Hat-To-Birt-Day-J-J!" Emmy, Kaky, Mimi, Jannie, Francie and I watched some really cute old family videos (thanks for DVD'ing them Uncle John) and told lots of funny stories together. We read all the beautiful notes and comments friends have left on the "Prayers for Kaky" website. It was a big day in the hospital room with family and visitors. In the afternoon Father Patrick came for an impromptu confirmation for the twins and their good friends the Hingas... Kaky and Crockett Hinga have been saying forever they HAD to get their kids confirmed but their busy sports schedules had gotten in the way so they made it happen today. Emmy was joking "Who knew you could get confirmed at Kaiser Permanente!" I had to run back to Stanford for an ultrasound appointment but Francie stayed with Jannie for the big confirmation and I heard she lightened the mood with a "Hat-to-birt-day!!" when Father Patrick lit the candle and kept repeating him, "Mercy! Mercy!" and "Amen." Francie runs around that hospital like she owns the place since we've been there so much! She asks Emmy or Johners to take her for rides on the "Ellagator" and knows which bathroom is for boys and which is for "gulls." She asks to go back and see Kaky most mornings and loves her GREAT-Aunt just as much as we all do. We all shared a lot of laughs and a special day together yesterday... Francie's 17 month birthday. We love you Kaky.

Reading her favorite book "No Biting!" (the little sheriff) to Kaky with Uncle Rich and Emmy

Taking a little "nap" with Em... and Francie 'picked' a dress Emmy and Baby Ann both wore and my old white "high tops" since they were Kaky's favorite when SHE was a little girl! Kaky wore the same kind until she was 5 years old... she has always loved all things about being a "baby" :)

and being silly too :)