We Love Aunt Kaky

Aunt Kaky has been battling Ovarian Cancer for 8 years and has sure put up a fight. She's had a rough turn of events since Christmas Eve this year and we are very sad to have received news from the doctor that there is nothing more they can do to help her fight the disease :( We've been at the hospital a lot to visit our Kaky. We love her so much.

Kaky's big sister Jannie, her daughter Emmy and her grand-niece Francie got to visit with Kaky the other day. (I feel prviledged to call Kaky my Godmother too, she is the best godmother anyone could ask for) Francie and Emmy and I got a little doggie for Francie and a "baby" doggie to give to Aunt Kaky... Francie had so much fun playing with Kaky and the doggies- they were telling "secrets," hiding under the covers and Francie was telling Kaky all about her playgroup friends and saying "I wuv you-I miss you TOO Kaky!" We had a really nice visit and Kaky's spirits were great.

Francie's pink dress was Emmy's 20 years ago! We though Kaky would get a kick out of seeing Francie in it today.


Kaky is famous for her witty rhymes and poems... she comes up with creative little rhymes for almost every occasion! We all love her famous Turkey Trivia at Thanksgiving and Christmas Cracker tradition on Christmas Eve. She wrote this little poem for Francie right after she was born, for the "Francie Bash" family party to pass her around to all of her aunts, uncles and cousins.

October 6, 2007


Today we gather for a family “bash” and celebration

To honor Mary Frances who begins our new generation.

Born into the role just as her mother had done

She’s the first of what we pray will be more cousins to come.

We welcomed the news of her arrival with joy,

As we had wondered for months was it a girl or a boy?

Then on September 18th our phones started “ buzzin”

That Mary and Brian had delivered the new cousin.

Off quickly to the hospital so anxious to see

This long awaited, beautiful, most precious baby.

It took only one glance and we each fell in love

As we welcomed Mary Frances Borchard Heffernan our gift from above!

So let us all raise our glasses for a simple toast… nothing fancy

Here Here, Hip Hooray, God Bless you Miss Francie!

Great Aunt Kaky
