Jannie's Birthday

Friday, February 6, was Jannie's big 60th Birthday and we started the celebrations early... It was a fun day filled with lots of love for our Jannie. The Carter's came all the way down for the weekend and Kathy and Michelle Bacolini too. Jannie's brothers John and Jerry made it out and we were all happy to be together to celebrate. Our thoughts were with Aunt Kathy who is in the hospital fighting hard and staying strong so we sent lots of thoughts and prayers her way. We kept the party going all day and night for Jannie's big 6-0... we love you Mom!!

Francie had a 'birthday suit' she thought Jannie would like for the occasion

She helped Jannie open a few cards and presents by the hottub

Francie took this picture of Uncle "Jambes" and shortly after my camera gave me a Fatal Error... notw to self don't let the baby play with the buttons! (luckily Grampa brought his camera)

Happy Birthday Jannie!

Jannie hates the color orange so of course we threw her a big ORANGE themed party! We decorated before breakfast while she was outside... Allison went way over the top with all these great Orange decorations and party favors, THANKS Allison!

All the girls dressed in ORANGE "Juciy's" (or Old Navy's:)

but at some point (I think it was when we broke out the gymnastics and yoga moves on the lawn) we realized we looked like a bunch of Hare Krishnas!

Francie with streamers on her head went to tell Ja-Ja we were ready for her


Of course we made Jannie cry ;)

Francie thinks we're all crazy

Allison might have turned her suitcase orange hauling all this down

Ann and Pat rocking their orange with the palm tree sunglasses

James and Em (James rocks his real Juicy's of course;)

Daddy took Francie for a dip in her 'dry clean only' Crew Cuts halter top... I know, I know!

Grampa and Jannie celebrating 33 birthdays together... thanks for treating us all to a FUN week!

My favorite pictures of the night... her brothers and sons holding Jannie up!

So cute! Francie's turn with her Dad, Great-Uncle John, Uncle James, Uncle Jerry and Great Uncle or "BIG" Jerry... we'll have to make this shot a tradition!

The Heff's carried the "orange theme" through the evening festivities :)

Jannie and Francie look like little shrimps next to the G-uncles

Mare, Ann and Em

Turns out it's not that easy to get a good picture of Jannie with her four kids and baby grand :) She's too busy telling Francie to "Say Cheese!"

The whole fam

K-Bac, Michelle and Ann busy in the kitchen

Playing with my Francie-girl

One shoe on, one shoe off

BIG hugs for Aw-woo! When did Francie's chubby legs turn not-so-chubby?

The Carters came to the party too! Bethy sneaking some frosting for Francie

We didn't let Jannie step foot in the kitchen all day

Passed out after all that partying

Jerry and Allison

Me and my cute husband (not so cute bangs... ABA tried to help me but sometimes it's a lost cause)

Orange carrot cake the Carters brought with "60" sparklers and plates from Allison that say "the party continues..."

Happy Birthday to Jannie!

A little Left-Right-Center after dessert

Em won not once...

but TWICE in a row!! Good work Em :)