More Palm Springs

It was so much fun to have all of my siblings and their "plus ones" and my parents in one place for almost the whole week! We made the most of the sunny days and took advantage of reading, games and knitting on the cooler days when a little Palm Springs storm rolled in. The house we stayed in was pretty cool... an old style house with a lot of quirks. We found out it was owned by a "world-renowned" famous plastic surgeon who was featured in the PS Magazine Jannie dug up. He lived there with his family until just recently and showed up to "check on things" a few times... he sure looks like a plastic surgeon! One morning at 7:45am when Heff was up for a morning swim with Francie and Jannie joined them (when she overcame her sleeping-in habit hearing her favorite grand-daughter running around) when suddenly this plastic surgeon guy shows up to drop off a rug or something... he told Jannie she had a beautiful baby and when she said "Oh this is my grand-daughter, we're here for my 60th birthday" he creepily stroked her neck and chin and said "well THIS doesn't happen naturally for women your age." Jannie considered it a birthday compliment ;)

Dad got talking "inside" the playhouse too...

and then "breaked it!" to come out and Francie was NOT happy!

Auntie Em gave the little Diva a fancy pink headband she wore all week

Cooling off with Em in the pool

Auntie Em and Francie-pants


cute bum running around sans diaper :)

Cousin Mike came over for an afternoon to beat Jannie in LadderGolf

My little sister Auntie Baby Ann just off the plane from Nashville

Sleepy naked baby girl ready for Jannie to rock her to sleep (boy was she spoiled this week!)

Game time for the girls while the Doo sleeps!

My Mom and Dad taking good care of all of us even on their vacation :)

Jannie got Francie these "Palm Springs PJ's" awhile ago she's been saving

Reading books with Mom and Em in the family room

The next day the whole fam was hanging out in the hot tub (it's so convenient I HAVE to take the pictures and can't put my belly in a bathing suit in any pictures isn't it? ;)

and poolside... Heff is glued to his "Huntin' Fool" magazines!

We played Jannie's favorite Quirkle and I am posting this picture just to make my sister MAD :)

Francie and her Daddy

Allison (aka "Aw-wooo!") and Uncle Jerry (aka "Je-eee") won Francie's heart this week

Francie got lots of "auntie love" all week... ABA did things like feed and even change her clothes! No diapers changes yet for Auntie Baby Ann.

Aw-woo was a great sport playing lots of doll-dolls with Francie-pants

Francie got to model the cute hat Auntie Em whipped out in a day!