Kissin Cousins

Thursday night we had a fun visit from cousin Isabel at our house! Craig and Andrea came over for the night on their busy trip up north and we were so glad to see them. Francie and Isabel just love each other :) We got Emmy for the night too (MY cuz;) and Uncle Mark joined us for pizza and a low key night watching the girls live it up. They keep getting more fun to watch together everytime we see Isabel! Thanks for making the trip Uncle Craig and Aunt "De-a" :)

Does this face say it all?! Francie was afternoon-napping when they arrived and we finally went in to wake Francie up. Isabel stood at the crib and pulled the bumpers down saying "Fan-cie! Fan-cie!" and reaching in to touch her face... Francie (usually grumpy when she is woken up) pops up with a HUGE smile on her face and kisses Izza-Bizza through the crib! We threw Isabel in to play with her and Francie introduced her cuz to Pattie and Sophie who were napping with her in the crib.

They have much cousin'ly love!!

These girls are getting tall! Izza has a few inches on Francie (unless she sports her cowgirl boots of course)

It didn't take them long to find the dress up box

Uncle Mark reading to Ray Charles

They love their Uncle Mark :)

Francie showing Isabel where she goes for "Time-b Out"

You think they're hungry or something? We looked over and both girls and climbed up into the chairs and were sitting at the table talking to each other, most likely about how their parents were too busy talking and drinking beers to feed their children.

Diving deep in the dress up box for these outfits! Francie was very concerned Izza didn't have a bow :0

Too busy for our photo shoot

"Do you think we can be partners on Dancing with the Stars Fan-cie?"

Pensive Izza-Bizza (I love that face!)

Who slipped Francie a beer and her duck call?

Posing for a few short seconds (good thing Emmy was there to snap!)


Isabel being funny. Francie says "Hold?"

Awwwww... good work Em

Their fathers were appalled at these outfits :)

More love...

Wardrobe change

"Emmy seet!"

The girls of course LOVE Emmy... all kids do :)

Isabel's hilarious I'm-frustrated-but-I-love-you face

Pretty Pretty Princess Izza

Francie loving Emmy

Dad took the girls out in jackets to make sure the chickens were roosting for the night

Mom with the girls and cookies

Eventually they started to get a little tired...

Andrea snuggling with sleepy Isabel :)

Francie reading bedtime books with Emmy

"Can you sleepover all the time Emmy?"

"Don't bother me. I'm busy emailing Oma."

Sansie "sad" Izza-bizz left at the end of the night (we couldn't tell her she was going to sleep at Jannie's house!) We'll see her tomorrow for breakfast Francie...

Dad fell asleep before Francie giving her a "Milk with sauce" before bed... reading his new issue of "Huntin' Fool" and WHAT Ollie is doing on the couch I have no idea :)