While Dad Was Gone...

Heff left last Saturday at 4pm for a fishing trip up north, close to the Oregon border with his friend Ben. The stayed in Red Bluff Saturday night and then headed for the Klamath River early Sunday morning. They were on the river until 5pm Sunday and made it ALL the way home by 1am! We were glad to have him home from his 32 hour adventure. (I've been waiting to post this until I got pictures from his trip, but their guide is slow... will post updated fishy-fishy pics if we get them) While he was gone Jannie and I went to a baby shower in Walnut Creek for our good friend Laura Pavlovich who is due with a baby girl the same week I am (baby boom!?) Grampa drove us over to the East Bay and took care of Francie while we had lunch with the ladies! He was very excited for their date and did a great job... they had an adventure of their own!

They went to the Railway Museum and saw choo-choos, climbed on a caboose and saw a fire truck

Then they drove out to Mount Diablo and hiked to the top! Grampa said Francie can "hold the record" as the youngest (only?) Simonson or Heffernan to reach the top of Mt. Diablo. He took a bag of cookies and held her while they walked to the top and saw lots of doggies and a great view. We called towards the end of the shower to check in and said "You guys are WHERE!?" They made it back in time to visit with the girls and show off her party dress (I should have dressed her a little better for hiking though!) She had a run in her tights and was very upset about it :) But she loved her special time with Grampa!

Sunday night we hung out at Jannie and Grampa's while we waited for Dad to head home. Jannie was on her toes following Francie's directions... "Ja-Ja SEET!" and "Ja-Ja COME!"

Notice the size of the chair she is sitting in ;)