Playing Around

The girls were hanging out in "their" new room Friday... it was a rainy day but we ventured out for some errands (Target, my fav) and kept ourselves busy.

Francie found a tie pink tie "like Grampa's!" (not "like Daddy's" as I would have said when I was little... my Dad still wears a suit and tie to work every single day! Heff dresses a little more casual but still looks handsome going to work every morning ;)

Francie thinks she is a little fashionista

"What is that sister of mine wearing?"

"Can you share your shoes with Maisie?"

"Ok I guess... Here Maise, want to try on my special shoes?!"

"Let me see if this is the wrong foot..."

"Wait... NO! No eating my shoes Maisie!"

"We all know she's not gonna let me wear those shoes"

Back in possession

"Aw, almost had um."

Has to put them on herself

Crazy girl in her crazy get-up

We went for early dinner at Carpaccio's... like really early so I could bring my monster double stroller in the dining room :) But it was just as delicious

and THEN Heff was "a rockstar" as Francie says and encouraged me to head up to the city with Christian for a girls night out on the town! I packed up all of our stuff for Red Bluff quickly, got dressed in my best black-city-going outfit and drove up to SF w Christian at 10pm. He had the girls overnight all by himself so we could stay in the city and not drive home! What a Dad :) Christian and I had fun living it up and Heff picked me up at 8:00am in SF to head straight up to Red Bluff. Of course I didn't take any pictures but had to note that Dad did a great job with both baby girls overnight. Thanks Heff.

Ready for bed in her big girl bed thanks to Dad!