A Busy Day in MP

Wednesday we pretty much lived downtown Menlo Park! Nothing new about that but here is our day in pictures...

Francie got to try Rose's fancy new footboard for the G2 Orbit stroller- we met Lena and Rose for an early (for me!) breakfast at Stacks on The Cruz downtown Menlo Park

it's like a skateboard, so cool!

We went by Le Cirque (obv) and the girls took over the holiday window display

live child models

watch out Maise

then we had lunch at Cafe Baronne's with Lindsey (Isaac was at school what a big boy!) Parvin and Jasmine. Just making the downtown Menlo Park rounds :)

I think swine flu lives in that water

Silly girls

at home to re-group before dinner... I might have let them watch a little Mickey so I could actually get some chores done around the house (usually we watch Mickey's Clubhouse "only when we wake up" in the morning but Francie tries to lay down and fake fall asleep during the day then say "I just woke up! Mickey!!"

Then Wednesday night we had dinner over at our friends Lucy and Don Imwalle's house... Max and Reed were quite the little hosts sharing all their cool toys

I told them to "put your heads near the blocks so I can take a picture of you together!" This is what they did.

as close as I could get (this time, a spider in the camera = better idea)

Maisie can't believe she gets to hang out with the big kids!

"Hey, where did they all go?"

and maybe a little more MICKEY while we ate dinner :) Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog....


A kiss for Reed before we left- thanks Imwalles!!