Emmy's Senior Game

Thursday night was so much fun- The Spartans WON and finished FIRST in the league!! The beat Fresno State 2-1 and Emmy scored one of the goals. We were all so honored to be out on the field to start the game, it was an emotional time for everyone but meant so much to all of us and we felt Kaky smiling down on us. There were 14 little girls there to cheer Emmy on- her babysitting charges and relatives- all little Emmy fans like we are! GO SJSU!

Jannie, Francie and Grampa

Emmy's twin brother John and Maisie- I think you can tell they are both "Sheehy" blood!

Walking down

to the field

to meet Emmy

We found her! Go #10

Emmy, her goddaughter and her Mom's memory balloon behind her

The twins- Johners is such a supportive brother :)

Proud of Emmy and remembering Kaky

What's up Maise?

YAY for Em

Let's do this

My cousin Leslie brought her adorable girls Katelyn and Emma- we think alike with the matching outfits!

Big girls cheering

Silly girls (impossible to take a picture of all four from the stands)

YAY Emmy/Nina/Roxy/Shanelle!

Of course they find the only dirt pile in the stadium to play with during half time and get filthy

Spartans are winning

Cheering for her godmom

My baby :)

Cousin Leslie with Katelyn and Emma

after the win... dinner at OJ's of course

You know it's almost Halloween in San Jose... when the creepy guy in the booth behind us is wearing a scary mask the ENTIRE time he is talking to his girlfriend, and having a serious converstaion! The girls were not amused :)

Oh Happy Maise

at our table Emmy was a jungle gym- she's such a good sport!

Four of her favorite fans

This pretty much sums up our dinner- unorganized chaos in a booth- At least Leslie, her husband Sean, Heff and I were at one end with the four rascals. Get them fed, shovel food into our mouths and keep them from running off/screaming without tipping over any more wine glasses was the goal. Mission accomplished, somewhat :)

What a fun night!