A Witches' Night Out

Thursday before Halloween we had a Witches' Night with girlfriends to celebrate without the "monsters" on Hallow's Eve Eve :) It was kind of a last minute idea (inspired by a blog post I read) but we had a great turnout and lots of fun with the ladies. Christian got sucked into helping me do all the decorating- we hit every retail discount store and Halloween store in a 10 mile radius, got some great deals (shopping so close to Halloween has it's discount perks) and pulled stuff out of our closets and storage to come up with a goulish theme in the backyard. It's always fun to get together with the girls!

the Paperless Post invite

Welcome to the Witches

Heff was even impressed with our recycled use of stuff lying around for decorations... the leftover stepping stones made a graveyard (these things were HEAVY!)

The pallet thing the stones came in became a spider cage (looked better later at night when you couldn't see the orange cord!) and the spider moved it's legs trying to crawl out- spoooky :)

Candelabra pumpkin bags lit the way into the party on our "black carpet" (leftover stuff from putting in the new grass)

Beware of scary Oliver!

We had the BBQ going for homemade Pioneer Woman Chili in a cauldron (I got my cookbook!!)

Scary Scenes

Blood Champagne (free-flowing champagne with a dash of blood orange soda = hangover. In case you were wondering :)

Ready for the witches!.... "Evil" white wine, Pink "Bitch" red wine and Skull Vodka

Jen, Jess, Jennie, Nancy and Michelle

Kelly (love the green face!) and Icie

Sandra, Erin and Emily

Courtney, Adriana and Lena

Don't remember what was so funny :)

Adrianna, Alexis and Libby

Let the "Witch-n-Bitch" begin!


Jennie and Nancy trying the chili and cornbread by the fire

Our fun neighbors Jess and Jenn!

Mary and Em

Kate, Mary Catherine and the ladies gabbing

Christian and Emily

Witch tights all around!

Heff brought Maisie home for a little "tank up" (they were camped out at Jannie's for Emmy's team party) and was just in time to tease Paige-Octomom for not getting the memo it was a WITCH party :)

The LC girls Libby, Adrianna and Christian

Thanks Christian! and if you didn't make it- we already decided we're co-hosting this girls night again next year!!