Photo Shoot with the Shigo Girls

How adorable are these girls!? Last week Kate, Ella and Claire Shigo (my blog friends:) were in the area for a family wedding so they wrangled Emmy for a little photshoot the day before the wedding (they flew down a day early to catch her on a rare day off soccer!) We had so much fun doing the pictures at Jannie's house. Emmy had a vision and wanted this couch outside on the lawn and a few other great ideas I don't want to give away since Kerri is going to use some of the best pics in their Christmas card of course! But let me just tell you the pictures are EM-AZING!!!

Francie was in seventh heaven "jumping on the bed" with her friends. I found these adorable outfits at Le Cirque and couldn't resist since they had sizes for all of the girls- Ella said she felt "old fashioned" in the high waisted little pique shorts :)

A lot of people have been asking if Emmy is available for photos... she will be!! Soccer and school are keeping her busy right now but by January she should be free and wants to start a little business doing kids shoots! Her email is but if she doesn't get back to you right away it's because she is too busy scoring goals for SJSU! She'll be ready to be booked in 2010 :)

Maisie wanted to snap a few too

Ella and Maisie in a edited shot

Maisie in the pram getting lots of attention from the big girls

and they're done...

After the shoot we tagged along to their good friend's house for a swim and lunch

Francie was SO excited to be hanging with all these cool big girls!

She even let Maisie join in... big girl big sisters are good examples :)

Cute girls in the sunshine

Now THAT'S a GAGGLE OF GIRLS! :) Kate, Emily, Francie, Ella, Lauren, Claire, Maisie and Charlotte

Thanks for a fun day!