Maisie's Hawaiian Vacation

Maisie and I took a little girl's trip to the Big Island for her first Hawaiian vacation! Heff took Francie on her own adventure- hunting on Uncle Donald's Ranch in Burns Oregon with Oma and Opa to keep her busy while they hunt (pictures of their trip soon!) So Maisie and I escaped with Christian to the Four Seasons Hulalaia in Kona. Francie was exactly the same age when she went to Kona Village (right next door!) so I should have some good "parallel pics" too :)

My sister Baby Ann says that one day when Francie figures out Maisie got to go to Hawaii and she went to Oregon she might be really mad- but my little Tomboy loves outdoor adventures with her dad so she thinks she is the winner this week ("You're too wittle to go hunting Maisie.... maybe someday when you're a big girl.")

Here is Francie all geared up in the truck with Dad when they dropped Maisie, Christian and me off at the airport (and I knew she was having a blast when I called to check in with them for the first time and heard "Hi Mom, we miss you!... wait, Francie- don't point that BB gun at Opa, only at the ground." Umm... Heff promised it was an old, unloaded, not working toy "gun"!

Our plane flight... we had great seats at the bulkhead and Maisie slept in my carry on bag :)

Of course we had the WEIRDEST but most entertaining passengers ever across the isle from us.. Maisie was so good on the flight- she NEVER cried and just talked a little high pitch baby talk a tiny bit but this unibomber girl kept cringing when Maisie babbled and then the guy next to her was so pissed at us the whole flight he kept shaking his head at us, starring us down and motioning to his wife in angry gestures! I mean IMAGINE, bringing a baby on a plane! It's too bad we didn't get a pic of their reaction when we had to change her diaper!!

"What did I do to make them so mad?!"

Maisie arrives in time for lunch by the beach... a happy girl

Sleeping on the couch for the first sunset

Good morning! We sent Emmy this text message pic when we woke up... she was waking up on the island next to us after winning SJSU's sixth straight game against Hawaii! YAY EMMY! (we tried to go watch but island hopping isn't easy, we listened online though!)

Just relaxing at the quiet pool

My camera phone is no where near as good as Christian's!

and actually watching her first sunest....