Saturday Night Dinner

We were over at Jannie and Grampa's house Saturday night with our friends the Alticks for a yummy pizza/venison/rib eye dinner. Dr. Altick has been our dentist and good family friend since their kids were in preschool with us! Their son Brad and his wife Michelle came too with their little girl Amelia who is 18 months old- she is adorable and was holding her own running around Jannie's and playing with Francie. We had way too much food for the group, as usual, but since Frank is a big hunter too we broke out Jerry's venison from his successful hunt a few weeks ago- sorry you weren't there to enjoy it Jer, it was delicious!

Francie gets to make her own pizza now on pizza party nights... she kneads the dough and lets it rise in a little tiny bowl :)

Ellen and Maisie watching Francie go to work

Jannie working on her own pizzas too

The guys at the grill.. Heff and Brad working on the venison

The Alticks with cute little Amelia!

"Ellie" and Amelia staying warm... Francie kept Amelia up way past her bedtime but she was a trooper!

Heff made a really good red wine reduction sauce for the venison backstraps... they were great!

Big eyes