Francie Goes to Oregon

Heff and Francie sure had an adventure of their own! When Donald (Heff's BIL who married Aunt Kat) invited Heff up to his family's ranch in Eastern Oregon for their opening season of deer hunting he wasn't sure he could squeeze another hall pass out of his wife since he'd just been on two long-weekend hunting trips but when I got a chance to go to Hawaii he figured if he took Francie and I got Maisie we'd all be happy- I'd get to lounge by the pool and he'd get to hunt, our respective favorite activities! Even though both trips would have been even better if we were all together- for a compromise this worked out pretty well...

The family packed up and heading to the airport/Oregon early Friday morning.
Francie looking thrilled ;)

*PS... if you are a PETA fan, animal lover or vegetarian you might want to skip this post and definitely do not click on the picasa album these pictures are in. I warned you.

Heff stopped in Red Bluff to pick up Oma and Opa who were great to go along on the trip and entertain Francie while Heff and Donald scanned the country side for the biggest buck. Oma riding next to Francie in the truck (or maybe you can't see her in the camo? ;)

Tom and Claire with Susan and Mark Doverspike up at the ranch in Emmigrant, OR

Did Heff hear that nurse say "It's a Girl!" two years ago in the delivery room?? Just checking ;)

Susan was so nice to have a bunch of her boy's old toys out for Francie to play with and Oma brought an arsenal of playdough, coloring and fun stuff for her!

Out on a walk with the dolls (what I want to know Donald is which of your brothers had the pink doll stroller?!)

Oma made Francie yummy Mickey Mouse pancakes in the cabin...

and spent lots of time playing with her (thanks Oma :)

and while they were having too much fun at the homestead...

Heff got a buck! "Good job Daddy! That was hard work!"

WHo looks happiest in this picture?

Oma, Opa and Francie drove out to see the deer daddy got

Francie got to help Uncle Donald drive the tractor!!

but don't click on these unless you really want to see why they needed a tractor ;)

Francie saying hello to the horses

They said hello right back

Apparently Francie had a big crush on Mr. Doverspike and ran after him everywhere he went

"Ahhh... is this a potty? I think I'm glad I still wear diapers."

Fishing with Dad

"Where's all the fish?"

Hiking with Oma

A new fishing hole Uncle Donald showed her

On the lookout

Found a companion (when we were looking at the pictures she told me "I sink that was Steph, yeah Stephi... or maybe that one was Kate." She remembers dogs names forever!)

and how could this trip get any better?! A horseback ride!!

Mr Doverspike won her over ;)

She told me she was "Feeding them snacks of hay"

and Francie trying her photography skills captured Dad. I think they had a lot of father-daughter bonding on this trip :)