Back in the Swing of Things

How is it already Thursday and I haven't blogged this week!? We took off running Monday after our two weeks of holidays and relaxing... and my camera has been on vacation for a few days :) It actually hasn't been all that busy so it's been a good week. Monday Francie and I went into work to take the Academic Trainers managers to a lunch meeting (Francie likes to put her 2 cents in over crayons and a hot dog at Stacks). We are really busy this time of year at Academic Trainers with all the test prep kids (entrance exams for private schools) but the girls have it under control and things are running smoothly.

Tuesday we had our playgroup at Anne and Linda's company 23andMe for a "mom" focus group on their product and some new stuff they are doing. We all sat in a conference room on bean bags while the kids played with some toys and tore up the place.

Then Wednesday Francie got to have an Emmy-date at Stanford Shopping Center with three other moms Emmy babysits for and their combined 8 kids! I went to meet my friend Anne for a walk and lunch (the first time out with her new baby!) and I got text updates from Em that Francie was having SO much fun with the big girls running around, throwing pennies in the fountain and eating Sprinkles cupcakes :) Jannie met them at the mall when Aunt Mimi and Claire came up to do some shopping too and Francie was spoiled with her second Sprinkles cupcake of the day! I picked her up at 6pm (too long to be away from my Francie-pants!) and she was a happy girl.

Francie loves her new pink Uggs Jannie and Grampa gave her for Christmas... she kinda looks like Big Foot here though (the genetic curse from both parents)

Hanging out with the big girls... thanks Emmy!

Then last night after I picked up Francie we went over to Adriana and Conor's house for a little playdate get together with Alexis and James and Christian. Conor was a good sport sharing all of his toys and James and Francie took turns pushing each other around in his car-car. Guess what Francie had for dessert? Cupcake number three!
(pictures from Adriana coming soon :)