A New Red Sweater

Francie requested a red sweater by "JanKnit" to go with her red shoes... Jannie just finished it and it is so cute! She even found two bake-a-lite buttons to finish it off. I'm sure the little Doo will get lots of wear out of this one in the New Year and pass it on to baby number two. We've been hunkering down at home enjoying the last few days of the two-week excuse not to get any work done. But we've gotten a lot of organizing (my favorite activity) done around the house and managed to put all the Christmas decorations away. We're ready for Monday to jump back into the swing of things.

New Crayola crayons... new sweater... Life is good :)

Ignoring Mom and her camera while she creates a masterpiece

Caught you Francie! (Thanks for the collection of pretty new Le Cirque bows Marla!!)

Hard at work... and speaking of coloring yesterday we noticed Francie had red-Sharpied a little on a quilt in the office, so we reprimanded her and told her it was a mistake to draw on things, that she should only color on paper, etc. She got all sad and said "Sa-ree" and we felt so bad :) Then 10 minutes later I couldnt find her... I looked into the office she was in there with a kitchen towel she had pulled off the stove handle rubbing the quilt trying to "clean" the spot where she had colored! Then we felt REALLY bad but at least she has a guilty conscience already :)

Francie went for a run last night with her Dad in this great new "warmie" from Allison

She loves the built-in mittens and footies... thanks Allison!

Back in her new red sweater the next day, where did this sunshine come from? I was used to hiding out in the house in the cold gloomy weather

Wild Child

"Where's Francie?!" (not a smart game to play while you are running towards the step, but she'll learn :)

Meyer Lemons anyone? We "FREE Craigslisted" our Christmas lawn decorations from last year and the lady who picked them up brought us all these lemons from her tree... not a bad trade.

Icie and Bert stopped by to help me bake a Meyer Lemon Cheesecake and stayed for dinner, Estelle and Francie were so cute together!

How adorable is Estelle!? Even cuter considering she smiles for the camera

The independent little divas were sharing the "seet!" and their toys very well for the first time