Francie's New Red Shoes

Jannie took Francie shopping at Nordstroms on Wednesday for her very own big girl walkin shoes! They had a "date" to go Tuesday but they were having too much fun playing at Jannie's house and Francie fell fast asleep half way to the shopping center :) Today was a successful trip! Francie got red, velcro top, mary-jane style "See Kai Run" first walkers. She liked all the nice people at Nordies who measured her big feet (sz 5) and gave her a pink balloon. Jannie spoiled her of course and got lots of new white socks, tights, new jeans, a new red dress (she's wearing) to match the shoes, and of course a new white bow! (she gave in to my love of bows:) Francie-pants is a lucky little girl and she is VERY proud of her red shoes.

Trying them out on the walkway...

And she's off!

THANKS Jannie!