Red Bluff Dove Season Opener Weekend

We were in Red Bluff for Labor Day weekend... September 1st is opening day of Dove Season and my husband hasn't worked or been to school on Sept 1st since he was 10 years old. (Can Francie use that excuse too dad?) I've gone out hunting with the crowd the past three years but stayed home with the babies this year. Last year I was 8.5 months pregnant and our OB swears shooting a gun at "innocent little birds" was what made Francie flip breech! Heather and Kevin Sakai came up with us for the weekend with their NEW baby Ryan! Francie

"You finding us a ranch Dad? I need to start my petting zoo."

The girls went out to lunch and left the boys in charge of the babes... we were all proud of Kevin for changing and dressing baby Ryan all by himself, even in a cute outfit!

Dad had the little Doo well taken care of too... in her matching camo pants of course

Baby Ryan the Lion... a little mad getting into his carseat, the only time he cried all weekend! Francie says "nah-nah" when we ask he what a baby says, but when we said "What does Ryan say" she said "Raaarrrr!" We were puzzled until we realized she thought we said "What does a LION say." :)

The Flynns had all the dove hunters, wives and kids over for dinner. Madeline taking very good care of Francie and teaching her to play the piano :)

Greg and Trisha... almost newlyweds!

Always lots of good food to go around at the Flynns

The GIRLS room! Looks like fun :)

Francie sees a strange animal on the other side of the door

Dad tells Francie it's a Kitty

Kristie broke the house rules and brought the cat in to show Francie... she's not so sure up close

I think Francie shares the same sentiment about those cute little kittys that her mom does :)

"Mom are you gonna make her stop? Can we show Mrs. Flynn dad's hunting video so we can torture her lke she's torturing me right now?"

The girls... new mom Heather, Kristie (still with the damn cat) and Aunt Kat (the "cat" we like!)

Francie fell fast asleep in the bean bag chair

Dad being silly behind Tyler and his "little" glass of wine

Kevin and Heather checking on sweet baby Ryan

And they broke out "Whistling Wings" Heff's hunting video which aires today if you are watching the Outdor Channel!

Kristie loved seeing the geese shot down out of the air :)

Driving home early Tuesday morning... Francie hugging tight to her dolly (and for some reason biting her clothes:)