Heffernan Family Reunion ~ Friday Arrival and Dinner


August 1-8, 2008 was the Annual Heffernan Family Reunion at Black Butte Ranch (near Bend, Oregon).  In attendance were The Tom, Pat and Bob Heffernan broods as well as the Cahill Clan. The ever increasing number of babies meant there were a total of 31 adults and 12 kids (under the age of 6!) Bob and Francy have a beautiful house in Black Butte Ranch they open up for all of the family meals, events and gametimes. We rented three other houses a short walk away and spent lots of time on the bike trails, hiking/walking paths, poolside and of course cozied up to the nearest bar :) We had great food and great company catching up with the family.... I am lucky to have married into such a big, FUN family!!  The Tom Heffernan's stayed the whole week this year and we had a great 'family' vacation... Francie's first of many!

As soon as we arrived we all set out on a walk (after I UNPACKED our 12 bags:) Francie and Ellie rode in her Chariot

Aunt Francy (aka LaLa) with her new sign from Tricia and Pat for the cabin! (Tom in the background keeping the party under control) Uncle Bob and Aunt Francy are so good to all of us all week opening their home to the whole crowd.

Roman, Ashley and Kate get down and dirty in Opa Bob and Lala's fun backyard

Izza-Bizza worn out after their plane ride to Redmond, OR from LA snuggling into Mom

Francie trying to figure out the deal with these beans in the sandbox (she was literally rolling around in them after she got used to this!)

Isabel perked up and she and Francie had SO much fun playing together! They reunited like long lost friends and Isabel couldn't keep her hands/arms/kisses off her cousin Francie-pants:)

Colleen, Jackie and Katie

Sister-in-lawly-love.... Sarah and Andrea

Donald (with Kat) was able to come for almost the whole week minus a 36 hour break to ship some cattle!

"Lemme see that hat mister."

Kate always the joker :)

Cousin Jana with her adorable girls Emily (6) and Ashley (4). Jana is married to Heff's cousin Kevin (Bob and Francy's oldest) and they live in Lake Oswego with most of the Bob and Pat Heffernans. These girls were the leaders of the pack and so sweet.

Dirty Francie playing in the closet with Ashley. Opa Bob and Lala have so many fun toys.

Reading bedtime stories to the babies on the landing (nowhere near ready to go to sleep, but we tried:)

"Oooh-oooh" climbing up and down the nice carpeted stairs over and over and over...

Aunt Kat and I passing out the party favors...

To keep Opa Bob happy... customized Coozies so no one could leave "dead soldiers" without finishing their drinks... or at least without anyone knowing who the culprit was!

The rest of Friday night, we all sat around outside with our beer IN coozies for awhile before we turned in to get some sleep for "Bob's Big Sports Day" Saturday!