Heffernan Family Reunion ~ Bob's Big Sports Day Saturday

Saturday we managed to mobilize almost the entire crowd of 40+ bodies (no small task!) for a walk around Black Butte Ranch. Daddy pushing the Doodle...

Francie slept the first half of the walk but on the way home she started whole body convulsions in her Chariot when she saw the horses and had to get out to go see them up close! She is obsessed with animals now and clicks her tongue when she see's a horse like she wants it to "go." No Vaulting or Polo allowed in your future child.

Tom and Heff leading the troops

Francie and Isabel giving each other kisses...

Brothers Brian and Craig couldn't resist :)

Silly Daddies! :)

Back at the house Isabel coudln't stop hugging Francie! She kept following her and wrapping her arms around her like her little doll :) It was too cute.

Aunt Sarah and Ellie

Craig (in his very chic 2007 Heff Family Reunion shirt... or is it his wife's? :) giving Mark a haircut on the deck

These angelic faces proceeded to COLLECT all the fallen hair from Mark (a lot of hair) and "Freddy" (Rick Cahill/Grandpa Pops, the kids for some unknown reason call him Freddy) They made a mold of freshly cut hair and were rubbing on their shirts... I wonder why they were so itchy all night!?

"Cut it shorter Uncle Craig, we need more hair!"

Big Cousins Ellie and Maggie with Francie and Isabel

Kate found a way to get even more dirty (the hair wasn't enough) before heading over to Bob's Big Sports Day (in the matching cousin outfits we got the kiddies)

Roadies for the Family Softball game (and teh only time I got in a car all week)

Francie and Aunt Kat... in her Fancy new shoes Jannie and Grandpa Fed-Exed from their road trip!

Silly Uncle Bob trying to match Maureen's belly! (She is due on Francie's birthday... only 6 weeks away!)

Happy Aunt Andrea stretching to "pinch run" (her wrists are still in bad shape from her 10 pound baby in a bucket seat issues!)

Girls on the swings

Everybody plays! Roman helping Katie and Daddy has Francie in the outfield :)

Cheerleaders on the sidelines

Francie holding on to Donald

Girls in purple raiding the beer supply... I thought these outfits were an appropriate cross between camo and tye-dye for our Red Bluff-meets-Oregon Reunion :)
Ellie in green
Isabel in blue
Aunt Francy cuddling with her buddy (and namesake!) Francie :)

RUN Aunt Kat RUN! (Can you submit this photo to your "Leg Perfect" infomercial??:)

Brothers Tom and Bob on the bench

Aunt Tricia and Aunt Francy with 9 of the 12 gremlins on the play structure!

Busy bodies

The Aunts with Babes (keeping um occupied with those Puffs while they last!)

"Hey... what happened to our Puffs IzzaBizza?"

Emmy, Ellie and Maggie

Cute Ashley

Dr Doug and his with-child-wife Maureen

I can't beleive I'm even posting this picture... yes I am barefoot and yes, you can agree with my husband I am not very good at ball sports (at least the ball is in front of me and not behind my swing!!)

Grace. Before dinner at the house...

Happy Cousins... until Ellie let go of this choke hold on her sister and Kate started screaming!

The whole clan getting ready for the obligatory group photo while I mess with the tripod and timer settings (thanks for pulling through on the assistance Allison:)

And the final product (with a little doctoring:) missing the John Heffernan's but other than that EVERYONE accounted for in this picture! Not bad :)

Silly dad... I like to wear a helmet ONLY when I don't need to :)

The Heffs

Ever-thoughtful Aunt Francy had planned a group birthday celebration for ALL 12 kids Saturday night! She made cupcakes with a candle in each for every kid and had presents for them at the table. It was so sweet and very entertaining :)

Francie pretty excited (and half naked to fully enjoy the frosting:) making her "blow out your candles!" attempt

"Is this really for me?" (practicing for September!)

Isabel and her Mom singing Happy Birthday! (Isa's an old pro turning ONE last week)

"Hummmm... this stuff is pretty tasty..."

"Can I really have that whole cupcake Dad?"

Going for it...

and NOT happy once she realized the chocolate frosting did not come off very easily! She wiped it all over her jeans and was an unhappy camper :)

Dad to the rescue to hose her off

Isabel the seasoned One Year Old knows what to do!