The Heffs Head Home

Thursday after lunch we packed up to head home... Heff's truck was FULL with our at least 12 bags (I wasn't kidding), two huge coolers, Francie's Chariot stroller/bike thing, our bikes, Kate and Ellie's bikes, Uncle Mark's bike, Claire's bikes and Margaret/Rick's bike. We seriously looked like the Clampits... and we only have one kid! We broke up the drive home and stopped over in Red Bluff Thursday night to catch up with Greg Weber and Trish and to take a breather. Friday morning we stopped at the Flynn's to visit the horses and say hello to Kristie and the kids... Francie got a pony ride!

Madeline led her around the pasture three times, she is a very patient big God-sister :) The girls just got their haircut for LocksOfLove and looked so grown up with their cute short hair cuts!!

Eva and Cowgirl Francie on Stanley

Then we picked up half a cow at the butcher. In case you are wondering... that's what half a cow looks like after a trip to the butcher before it hits our freezer.

"Get me out of here!"