Heffernan Family Reunion ~ Wednesday

Francie brought her new wheels to Black Butte. Apparently she's not a huge fan of riding in the middle... here it comes...


Francie gave up her spot so Roman and Kate could take their ponies for a ride with Isabel and Ronan (yes we have Roman AND Ronan)

These two are only two months apart and were best buds this week)

What are you thinking about Francie-pants?

Francie riding the scooter and ringing the bell!

Oma with her Grand-baby-girls

Daddy swinging with his little Doodle... she became quiet a daddy's girl an uninterrupted week with her dad!

But she got some Mom-time in too :)

Francie says "I think... our moms might be a little nuts Izza-Bizza"

Uncle Bob reading Francie a Dog book she found

The 3-year olds gave us quiet a "show" from the stage/coffee table