Monday with the Johnets

Ok. Baby Ann REALLY left this time! After her flight delay/issue last Thursday we were lucky to get an extra weekend and spent all day Monday hanging out, getting lunch and shopping with Baby Ann and Jannie. She took off at 4pm Monday (barely made the flight, opps we lost track of time shopping but got Tory Burch flip flops on sale!!) WE'LL MISS YOU AUNTIE BABY ANN!!

Monday night the Johnet's came over for dinner.

Reading with Grandpa... Francie is OBSESSED with this dog book (Thanks Margaret and Ronan!) It is a giant board book with all different kinds of dogs, you can pet their fur (like Pat the Bunny, her other fav) and flop their ears and make some tails wag or legs scratch. The end it has a Jack Russell named Ollie like ours! She "oo-oo"s for it when she sees it and tried to climb the bookcase to reach it with Jannie yesterday. Jannie said MY favorite book when I was a baby was an encyclopedia about dogs and I destroyed the poor book turning the pages over and over. Funny, you'd think I'd actually LIKE dogs now though huh? :)

"Don't you think this is the best book ever Grandpa?"

Tri-tip dinner outside with Jannie and Grandpa

Jannie taking over "watch her please!" duty

I forgot to blog about our new "free" dollhouses.... BOTH Jannie and I in the same week found FREE dollhouses out on the curb in front of neighbors houses... is that weird or what!? The one Jannie found kind of looks like their house and is "oversized" for fun play so she's already collecting oversized doll house furniture and is going to fix it up to look like their house. (I know, Francie is SO dirty in this picture... what can you do!? I think maybe I changed her PJ's before I put her in her crib for the night:)

The doll house we "found" is a neat one too, I just have to get some dolls for it! (nevermind the naked baby in the picture, it's behind her... no pun intended:)