Lazy Summer Sunday

Sunday we had a rare nothing-to-do day at home so we hung around the house, played with the Doodle, and checked some things off the to-do list... or at least Heff did while I watched and tried to keep Francie from tearing apart the house and putting every little spec of dirt she could find in her mouth, pretty much my full time job lately. We let her play with the hose in the Playpit (which BTW we are still thinking is NOT the kind of grass they are warning might contain lead, of course that makes headlines right after we buy artificial turf for our 9 month old!) Our friend Chad (Isaac's Dad) stopped by to say hello and caught me watching "Jon & Kate Plus 8" on the couch (I might even have been napping ;) Later we grilled some tri-tip and made a salad almost entirely from our garden. Happy Summer... this is what it's all about!

Dog bowl Twister anyone?

I turned around for a second to feed the chickens and she somehow got herself INSIDE the bucket of water!

Once that diaper absorbs her weight in water and she can't stand up anymore... it's time to get naked :)

Hanging in her high chair while Dad grills outside...
"Mom this is MY apple. But I'm not sure I like it."


Looking for airplanes with Dad...

"Did you see that big 747 Dad!? Is that like the one that's going to take my ABA away?"

Almost time for bed... the little stinker gets into everything!!

"It wasn't me."

This picture seems to sum up this little girl we have on our hands.
She actually pulled out this princess tutu from Bethy and held it up like "Mom put this on please." How could I resist? She's wearing the tutu over her camo PJ"s and I didn't even realize it until I just looked at the picture but she is crawling around with her "Even Princesses Wear Hiking Boots" book WITH the duck call in her mouth. I think she's pretty much a camo-princess kind of girl.

"See ya later Mom"