Francie's Glamping Trip ~ Day Two (Saturday)

We woke up Saturday morning, crawled out of our heated down comforter beds and bundled up in the cold Montana morning for our gourmet breakfast in the River Camp mini-lodge.

Francie in her sweatsuit and Uggs at Breakfast (getting a little small for those big Simo-Heff feet!) ABA.... can you find the next size up please? :)

Dad getting his coffee fix... this was the River Camp dining area and that is our "camping chef" making omlettes and Huckleberry French Toast. I know, this is SO cheating!

"Mom... Where did Dad go?"

Heff got some time on the river to fly-fish Saturday after breakfast so Francie and I went to the "Cow Poke Corral" to check out the baby goats, cows and bunny rabbits the kids got to pet and bottle feed.

She got a little frustrated when they kept nibbling her fingers... who can blame the goats? Her chubby little fingers look just like their pellets!

Francie got to play in the sand with the big kids for awhile.... they were constructing "the world" making little sand continents with flags and lots of water moats in between.

"If that mother of mine isn't looking I can climb right in there and get these white jeans filthy dirty in no time...."

Francie-Do with her mom waving bye-bye to the goats

Steady on the rocks... ready for lunch

Francie and I had lunch on the grass at the main Lodge. I realized one of the perks of having a baby who can eat real food... you get to order stuff off the kids menu and eat most of it yourself! (Their chicken fingers were so much better than my fancy BLT:)

"Hey, are you eating MY food mom!?"

"OHHH... Dad just came back from the river and he caught two dozen fishys!"

Heff takes the Doodle down to play in the river. She loves making the rocks SPLASH in the water...

The Do loves her Dad! and vice versa :)

The view from camp

Holding on for dear life in that rushing river :)

The weather warmed up after breakfast but that water is COLD! I don't know how Francie could stand it but she kept climbing right in to play in the river

Cute dad :)

Looking for "heart shaped rocks" to take home to her Jannie for her collection

Mom's turn

"ENOUGH pictures already MOM!!"

"I'm done. What's next?"

Our tent cabin "Bitteroot" They were all named after Montana rivers, but another sign these Paws Up people aren't locals and might not be that well liked around these parts... Bitterroot supposed to be spelled with two R's. (we had a security guard at camp 24/7 to prevent people coming off the river and getting into trouble at camp:)

Dad jumped in his waders and into the river for another quick fish before dinner while I read my book and Francie took a little nap. Ahhh.... I see why they say Nap Time is the new happy hour.

Dinner at the Rver Camp Lodge... Francie made fast friends with the other kids there!

"OOOOH, the ribs sound delicious. I'll have that for dinner."

"Some salad fixings first from Dad's plate..."

"Then corn on the cob for my next course."

Time for the Camp Campfire...

Making friends with our fellow campers

"You mean I get S'mores AGAIN mom?!"

"I'll take one of those please."

SO many things to see from my perch on Dad's lap

Time for bed... gotta get a good night's sleep in for another day of Glamping!