Francie Goes Fly Fishing

Sunday we set out on a family adventure to Ovando, Montana (about 20 miles north but an hour trip on dirt roads from Paws Up Ranch) to go fly fishing. Heff and I went fly fishing on our honeymoon and again last summer together so why not take Francie while we are here right! Heff strapped her in the "Sherpani" backpack (a gift from all my "yellow house" college roommates, thanks girls!) and we set out hiking up the river with our waders and gear.

"You mean I get to go try this fishing thing too?! Would Grandpa an Opa think this is safe?"

"I want you to catch FOUR FISH Dad."

Francie and Dad crossing the river (it looks deeper than it was, I promise we were safe)

Mom gives it her best shot... I mean cast


This takes talent... big fish on the line, baby on the back and no net (it didn't really go with Francie's outfit) Let's see if Dad can pull this off...

Good work Daddy!

Francie notices a "fish out of water" and makes her "What does a fishy say" pucker noises!

Bye-bye fishy. catch and release...

"You mean dad just let my first fish swim away!? WHAT?" (I don't get it either, if I catch a fish I want to keep it!)

We hiked back to the truck and Francie konked out

while Heff and I devoured our much-earned sandwhiches for lunch on the tailgate

Leaving Ovando to head back to "Glamp"!