Janelle & Brad BBQ

Friday Night Heff and I threw a wedding shower BBQ for a few couples from my office in honor of Janelle & Brad who are getting married at the end of the month. Janelle is the Director of Academic Trainers and has worked for me for three years. She runs everything over there and is the reason I can stay home and spend so much time with Francie :) We love Janelle and are very happy for her and Brad!

Alicia (one of our "fav" tutors:) and Scott

Janelle and Brad with Heidi (the Assistant Director at AT) and Rashelle (The "Janelle" of Brilliant Babies!)

Sarah's (another best of AT tutor!) husband Thero with their son Tre (2 years) and Francie

Janelle and Brad's wedding colors are pink and orange so the theme of the BBQ was pink & orange... right down to Francie-pants outfit of course!

We had to move dinner inside as it was chilly Friday night! Janelle playing with her buddy Tre and as Tre calls her "Ba-by Fran-cie!"

We had a fun dinner... socializing outside of the office!

BBQ-man Heff with the little Monkeys

Francie giving away those kisses!

Opening gifts... everybody stayed and hung out until almost midnight!

Scott and Heff

ROUND TWO... Ann, Matt, James and Bethy came over at the end of the party to help finish off the opened alcohol bottles :)

Ann and the B.F. Matt

Bathy and Uncle James showing Francie her photo on his phone... he loves his god-daughter!