Family Fun Weekend

The Heffernans all rolled into town this weekend! Andrea was playing in a Masters Water Polo Tournament in the East Bay so she and Craig came up from LA with Isabel and Claire and Tom drove down from Red Bluff for the weekend too. Mark and Sarah postponed their Honeymoon weekend to hang out and Aunt Kat was here for most of the weekend too. Baby Ann's boyfriend from Chicago, Matt is visiting for a week (his first time West of Denver!) and my god-daughter/cousin Claire Elise (also my Mother-in-laws name!) graduated from High School. It was a jam-packed family fun weekend for sure!

Jannie and Andrea feeding Francie and Isabel in their new chairs

"What are you looking at?"

Isabel says "MORE OMA! MORE!" (the girls in matching JanKnit bibs!)

Swinging Cousins

Andrea and her baby girl Isa-Bisa

Bathtime for Babies

"We're seriously going to get you for taking naked pictures of us Mom."

Splish-splashing away

Double trouble... Grandmoms, Moms and Babes