Shoot Em Up

Friday afternoon Francie went to play with Jannie so Heff and I could go to the Los Altos Rod & Gun Club for a shooting range double date. We met our friends Ross & Lara and a friend of theirs to shoot pistols on the short range and then Heff and I ventured to the long range ourselves to shoot rifles and his new big gun. The range masters were in awe of his new gun the "Warbird" and called their friends down to check out how much bigger the bullets are than a 30-06... you can shoot an elephant with this thing! We stayed until they closed the range and had fun together on our afternoon date.

Heff with a smokin gun

Learning to shoot a pistol

Double date with Ross and Lara on the range :)

The contest target (I beat Heff 18 to 17 with a shot in the bullseye... beginners luck :)

Lara with a 40

Heff sighting in his new Warbird rifle

Aunt Kat's handmade knit blanket came in handy over the sandbags for shooting the big gun :)

My rifle target with a three shot grouping at 100 yards! (Greg Weber are you proud of me?)