Faces of Francie Friday

I haven't done a "Faces of Francie" post in awhile!... here she is:

I love these personalized onesies I got on Etsy that say Francie! They just came the other day... the lady who makes them custom screen prints each one and they come in a cute little wooden box with her name on it too.

Looking cute with her Lucky jeans Emmy ;)

Today we went to the park to play with some other babies and their moms in the morning after taking care of our chickens and the five NEW chicks we are chick-sitting for Uncle Mark! It's amazing how fast these chickens get big, awkward and ugly:) But all still alive Mark! Then we met Jannie and Auntie Baby Ann at University Circle (where Heff used to work) where Ann has a 2-week temp job scanning EIGHT file cabinets worth of documents (aren't you jealous?) Someone in my neighborhood sent the job out on our email list so passed it on to her and even though it sounded pretty rough (scanning 8 hours a day) she took the job to get my Dad off her back about her shopping habits. Of course she did have to do a little shopping to dress "business casual" for the job! She wanted to take Francie up to her office to meet everybody who knows her as "Ann the Scanner."

Dad took Francie on a run this afternoon. It was so HOT today, they were brave. Here is Dad amazed that for the last two months he didn't know her water bottle had to twist to get anything out of it... funny he never understood why she only dribbled when MOM gave her water!

Big mitts and big feet... sorry for those genes Doodle :)

She is much more used to her "Chariot" now. It has all kinds of pockets for toys and snacks and even a neat place to keep her bow while her helmet is on :)