The Nativity Carnival

Last weekend was the annual Nativity Carnival for our parish and the school. It always marks the first weekend of summer vacation in Menlo Park and we've been going since I can remember. My Dad and some of the "St Raymond's" Dads have always done the Tri-Tip BBQ dinner on Friday and Saturday night. Academic Trainers sponsors it since we've been open and it's a busy weekend BBQing up lots and lots of meat. This year we sold "Slider" mini tri-tip sandwhiches which were a big hit. Thanks for everyone's help!

Heff, John and Kermit at the grill (Nativity actually bought their very OWN BBQ this year after borrowing John's all year long... John was happy to have to bring his anyway when the Burger Booth went through three broken gas grills and needed the tried and true mesquite charcoal method afterall:)

Chrissy and Kathy were a huge help selling those sliders!

Jannie and Francie (who went through about five outfits over the course of the weekend)

BBQ Captain John

Francie hanging out watching the Carnie crowd pass by

And making the rounds with friends who stopped by the booth! Hi Pat :)

Ann, Dad and Mare

John, Jan, Chrissy and Kathy

Friday night a bunch of our friends stopped by with the babies... Francie and Isaac sitting on the blanket for about 2 minutes before they crawled off into the dirt

Late night with whichever babies weren't sleeping in the corner in their strollers:)

Getting a little silly...

Must have been these shots of patron (hey at least there isn't a live goldfish in mine this year)

It's not a carnival without some pink cotton candy!

The Legrands... Estelle, Bert and Icie

Auntie Baby Ann home from her road trip to help out (she was pretty happy about that)

Heff holding Estelle with Bert (Estelle's baby daddy)

Time to head home... call the drivers!


After lots of water, a little Advil and some sleep we were back in action Saturday night!

Francie in her Carnival best

"You guys know these parents I got are nuts right?"

Nothing like nursing a baby while drinking a beer in your camo lounge chair at a carnival by the caution tape

Ummm. Tri-tip with grandpa's special Pappy's rub


The girls all back to help out again Saturday (you girls were the best!)

At least we put her in some PJ's when the sun went down Saturday night

"I got my ABA here."

It never gets old... "SO BIG!"

Silly girl. You're a good sport Francie.