Francie's Date with Dad

Francie gets to have lunch dates with her dad on Tuesdays... he finds fun things for them to do, usually on bike even :) Today, them let me tag along with them. We went to the Palo Alto Children's Museum and Zoo. I had never been before so Heff and Francie showed me all of Francie's favorite animals. Heff calls the zoo a glorified Humane Society, as they boast a raccoon exhibit, an old one-eyed owl, a hawk that was hit by a plane, a peacock found wandering the streets years ago and some other random animals. Francie liked the geese and ducks best... maybe because her dad has been working on her duck calling skills lately (the other day when Heff put her down for a nap I went in to find her asleep with only a wooden duck call in her hand... she really can blow on it too!) After the exciting trip to the zoo we rode our bikes to Peninsula Creamery for lunch and milkshakes.

Waiting for dad to come home from work at lunch to take me on my date!

Francie's new party trick, playing "How big is Francie!?"... "SO BIG!"

At the "zoo" hanging on tight to dad when those noisy geeks honk away

Up close and personal with a raccoon...

Not so sure about that one dad. (Francie in her "Crater Lake" basebal cap Auntie Baby Ann and Matt brought back from their road trip last week)

Oh yeah, I forgot... they have BATS too

Trying to see her Goose

Walking down the bridge with her Dad

and playing on the frogs with the big kids before we head to lunch!