BBQ at the Beldings

Monday night we went down to Aptos for a BBQ at Aunt Kathy and Uncle Rich's house. Emmy has been staying at my parents house since she got recruited to play soccer at San Jose State and has 6am practices! Kaky and Rich threw a "thank you" party for my parents for helping out and for my dad driving Em to San Jose on his way to work in the mornings. It was also my Dad's birthday May 24 so we've been celebrating all weekend :) We had fun playing Ladder Golf in their backyard... this family is not at all competitive ;) It was fun to see all the aunts, uncles and cousins!

Emmy and the Johnets

Everybody watching the "Ladder Golf" Tournament

This might be our new favorite game

James and Em taking a break from the game to play with Francie-pants

Emmy and Francie eating some Cheerio's

Em makes it in the finals!

James and Jerry (yup, those are my brothers Paige & Icie)

Uncle Jerry kept score for hours AND donated the 100 bucks to the prize pot in true Grandpa Jim style :)

The twins! Cousin Emmy and Johners with Francie

"Dad! Why can't I have a turn!?"

Baby Ann and Aunt Kat in blue

Happy Birthday Dad/Uncle John/Grandpa!

The girls... Kat, Ann, K-Bac, Jan, Kaky and Mimi

It gets a little chilly when the sun goes down at the beach... cute matching outfits James and Em ;)

The final-final five

Oh cousins..

Francie asleep on Dad after a full day of parties