Alexa's 2nd Birthday Party

Memorial Day Monday we went to our neighbor's across the street for their daughter Alexa's second birthday party. They had a HUGE bounce house in the front yard with a slide so big the adults ended up a little injured :) Francie wore a party dress and tried to hold her own with the big kids.

Alexa the Birthday Girl!

Francie and Dad

Francie "Babysitting" Baby Adam on the grass

Francie started out in the little bounce house and thought it was pretty fun... Emma came in to join her the unconventional way :)

"How do you make this thing go?"

Miles took Francie for her first trip down the slide! Looking like she's not so sure about this...

Getting ready to go...


Taking a break with Dad

Mom's turn!

She loved it... good thing she isn't old enough to say "again... again... one more time!" or I never would have finished my first beer :)