The Chick-a-dees!

I love my chickens! Heff got them all set up at home on Sunday (it was tough to pull them away from their foster dad Uncle Mark.) They are SO cute and Francie loves to watch them peck and chirp and scratch their food all over the place. Ollie (my dumb dog) however, does not think they are so cute. He thinks they are snacks. Jack Russell Terriers (aka 'Natural Born Killers') are great to protect your house and family but we will have to be very careful to keep him away from my chicks! He was literally shaking when he saw them in their Ollie-proof cage. Heff got 2 Rhode Island Reds (the brown/red ones), 2 Barred Rocks (the black ones) and 2 Buff Orpingtons (the blond ones) . They all will lay brown eggs and are pretty easy to take care of (read: hard for Mary to accidentally kill them.) They are about a week old now and should lay eggs in 6 months!

We had our neighbors over for an impromptu dinner to help us put a dent in the leftovers from my party (what? we over bought? that's not like us!)

Emma and Owen checking out the new neighborhood poultry in their temporary home in the garage

Owen giving "Purple-y" as he named this one a kiss

Alexa petting one of the blondies

Francie and the little runt chicky

So yes... they still need names! My sister Ann put in her two cents via email (I told her I kinda liked Eeny, Meeny, Miny & Mo but the other two might feel left out) :)

"I like the names Eeny-Meeny-Miny and Mo... let's be honest two of those suckers probably won't make it to adulthood so you may never need two more names.

But in case you need six names here are some ideas:

*Me and my five friends: Ann, Christine, Killian, Jess, Jackie and Susie...
*The 6 main characters on 90210: Brandon, Dona, Kelly, David, Steve, Brenda....
*The Simpsons and their dog: Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggie and Santa's Little Helper.
*Or name them after awful pets of the past and present: Smudge, Sage Jr, Ollie Jr, Addie Jr, Tillie Jr, and what was the name of that stupid Carter's cat that ALMOST died in the dryer??"