Hanging Out and Cleaning Up

We spent most of Sunday just hanging out and cleaning up the aftermath of the party. We all had a blast and only a few headaches to go around Sunday morning :) James and Em came over to the Johnet's in the morning to help and played on the swings with Francie for awhile.

Isn't this outfit too much! My dad's college roommate Phil Salz and his wife Joanne sent this to Francie-pants... it has pink butterflys in thermal camo and a big ruffley pink boa trim around the shirt too! SO Francie ;)

"Can't you suck our thumb and swing at the same time?"

I love these pictures!

"Oh this Jannie wears me out."

Swinging with Em

Francie loves going "way up in the air!" but it makes Jannie and Grandpa a little nervous when Mommy does this!

Leave it to Em and Uncle James... Francie got some new shades to match Auntie Ems :)