Easter Saturday

Saturday we walked to the Easter Egg Hunt at Burgess Park in the morning with Icie, Paige, Chris and the babies. It was a nice sunny day and we had fun watching the big kids rush each other for eggs and jump in the bounce houses.

Chris, Paige and Wesley... with that lip out and ready to cry :)

Estelle in her sunglasses

Happy Wes

Francie pants in her watermelon bubble suit with Mommy

Did the dads switch hats on the babies... or did they switch the babies?!

"You guys didn't tell us the Easter Bunny was a creepy guy with make-up sweating off his face."

Moms and babies

We stopeed at the swings of course on our walk home and Auntie Baby Ann and Jannie stopped by to see Francie.

"Is that my Auntie with BANGS?!"

She looks so different!

Jannie and I having a swing-off while Ann plays with her favorite neice

We got home just in time to change and head to the Mariani triple birthday party for the boys! My Godson James and his cousin Joe both turned 4 and little brother Wil turned 2. Their kids are all so cute (7 under four years and 2 on the way between 4 sisters!)

Wil, Sofia and Whitney jumping away

Francie loving Molly's bling and Erick's sunglasses!

cute kids after the easter egg dying!

Happy Birthday Boys!

How gorgeous is Whitney!?

Heff with sleeping Francie and Nancy with new baby Maddie

Tracy and Wil in his USC Trojan gear

The girls are ready for the Easter Bunny tomorrow!

Didn't last too long for Francie :)