Happy Easter!

The "Easter Eggcitement" at the Johnet's didn't disappoint! We had all the relatives, Em's family, Mark & Sarah and her brother Jacob and Aunt Kat all here for an afternoon of Egg-tivities and of course lots of good food. Everybody passed Francie around and stole her away from unsuspecting cousins whenever possible. It was great to see everybody and John and Jannie threw a great party as usual.

"I'm really related to ALL of these crazy loud people I guess... they keep showing up."

Grandpa John setting up the bar

The girls (who quickly disappeared upstairs to go through the latest "Ann-me-downs")

Gantie Mimi with a snoozing baby

The big contest was the Egg Drop... we had 16 creations to try and keep a raw egg alive after a drop from the third floor balcony. Here is Jannie recording the entries and documenting their assembly methods.

Uncle James, very proud of his rocket egg launch, be-dazzled by Em of course!

Mare, Emmy and Francie

Claire Elise dropping Aunt Kaky's carwash sponges and balloons Egg drop

It worked! (Aunt Kaky looking like a movie star!)

Drew's egg made it too

Cousin James' egg box mid drop

Baby Ann's egg survived too (we started to wonder if anybody could create a contraption that would BREAK an egg on impact!) Ann's was in a stuffed duck with a diaper on it (to account for the mis-hap that can happen when you drop a chicken three stories!) Ann let us know this was the first time she had ever put a diaper on anything... wow, and she's a child development major.

Emmy and Claire proved you CAN creak an egg!

Uncle Andy... really?

That's what we thought.

You think this one hatched or something?

Francie, no hickeys on Auntie Em!

The thumb works much better

Jerry and Allison's entry after a last minute trip to Walgreen's

The Heff's entry worked too!

And the finale... James used his rocketeering skills

We surprised Baby Ann with a great Easter present... a new swing set! (Haha, she was NOT amused)

The other contest was the "Best Decorated Egg" Contest... a few of the standouts hand crystal-ed by Em and Marle!! Oh my... and yes, they won.

Love the eggs Em and Marla (Joe and little Marla too!) Em did her phone, I'm so jealous.

Drewby with the Doodle

Jerry didn't have an egg in this one, but spent a few days building it anyway! (none of the labor intensive rockets were recovered:)

Happy Easter!!!