Francie's Rockin' the 80's Playdate

We had a fun playdate today at Jordie and Josie's house! The theme was "The 80's" so we decked the babies out (and moms too) in some classic 1980's gear. Jordie had a great 80's playlist going and made Apple Martini's for the moms. We lined them all up on the couch for a group picture of course... they are all getting to be so much bigger!

The babies are starting to reach for each other (pulling hair, gumming toes, scratching eyes :)

Leo in his pink polo, sweater around the shoulders, and shades looking very dapper

Estelle looking adorable as always in her rainbow baby legs and onesie

Asher's big blues

Posing the babies for pictures

Isaac, Aliza, Estelle, Josie, Natalie, Francie and Carson rockin the pink shirt (Leo and Asher were yet to arrive:)

Francie's girlfriends

Isaac looking tough

Francie loves hanging out with her friends

and Mommies do too!