Francie's New Swing Set!

Grandpa and Jannie went all out on a new swing set for Francie-pants! Jannie bought a little Fisher-Price plastic baby swing to hang up in the backyard and when Grandpa saw it he was worried it wouldn't be safe enough for Francie (oh that Grandpa and his "safety first" rules, Opa would agree huh Claire!) So the next day he hauled Jannie down to San Jose to the swing set store and picked this HUGE swing set for Francie! He wanted it installed so he could see her swinging when he is BBQ'ing too. It reminded me of MY Grandpa when he was talking to my Grandma Marmar about how excited they were to have their first Granddaughter (I was the lucky first just like Francie and Heff too :) and she said "Jim, aren't you going to love it when one day little Mary says 'Grandpa, will you buy me an ice cream?'" His reply to Marmar was... "and I'll say 'Honey, I'll buy you the whole store.'" I think Grandpa John feels the same way about his grandbaby girl :) Thanks Mom and Dad!

Swinging with Jannie... Francie reaches back to the swing and makes funny noises if you take her off and walk away, she loves it! It was supposed to be an Easter surprise but Francie and I came over right when the guys were finishing putting it up. Cousin Emmy and I liked it too had some chicken fights on the monkey bars, I won. Take that Em. :)

So of course the installation of the new swing set was an excuse for a pizza oven party! What a good Grandpa :)

The Bacolini/O'Connell girls all came over to help make some pizzas!

And Goody was in town to entertain us all!

Dad with Francie and her "Sophie" the giraffe

Sure makes Jannie's Sophie the dog jealous! (pouting inside on "her" couch)

Sorry Soph, you and Auntie Baby Ann can commiserate about not being the babies anymore when she comes home tomorrow :)