Francie's Mellow Weekend

We were hoping to make it back up to Red Bluff this weekend, but Heff had some work to do and we'd have a few busy weeks coming up (before our trip to Hawaii at the end of the month... yeah!) so we ended up at home for a quiet weekend catching up and playing with Francie. We had Mark and Sarah over for dinner Saturday night and they cooked a Middle-Eastern feast, it was delicious and took long enough to cook we had time for a Super-Scrabble game in between :) It was, as Heff says, a "torrential storm" Saturday night so they took our truck home, left their bikes here and came back over for a pancake and Lucy the Pig bacon/ham steak breakfast Sunday morning. We spent the rest of the day playing around on our laptops and playing around with Francie-doodle (Hummm, which one does Mary love more? Just kidding... Francie of COURSE!) We had our own chip-n-dip Super Bowl party and made it over to the Carters for a Super Bowl visit too.

This is Francie the Big Girl's favorite new way to ride in her stroller, she sits up in the end with her toys all around her :) (yes, I know we should change the Bugaboo out for the seat from the bassinet, but I love all the room in the bassinet! We have so much stuff in there for Francie, we call it her "condo")

Daddy singing songs to Francie

Silly girl cracking up

Funny faces