Francie's Cousin Ronan Visits

This week Brian's cousin Margaret and baby Ronan (8 months) came down to stay with us for the week! We were busy with play groups and playdates, we took a great Baby Sign Language class and Heff took us all out for a nice dinner Thursday night. Francie is learning lots of new things from cousin Ronan... they look cute together both packed in the back seat of the car and even shared some toys.

Cowboy Ronan in the exersaucer

Ronan checking out the Francie-Doodle hiding out under her cowgirl hat

"What are you looking at?"

Bedtime! Ronan did great sleeping in Francie's crib at night, Francie is still in her bassinet in our room (I guess she'll outgrow it soon but I'm in no hurry to move her:)

"Look Ma, no hands" Francie has gotten good at sitting up on her own!

But it doesn't last long :)