Yup, my cute husband's birthday is on February 14. He has had 36 birthdays full of pink and red hearts... how very much un-Heff :) Francie and I decorated the house last night after he went to bed so he woke up to hearts and birthday wishes everywhere he turned. We going to lunch to celebrate (to the Goose of course) and then having family over for dinner at our house. Pictures of the party and willing participants who fore-go their romantic Valentines Day plans tonight!

Check out her Fancy Francie shoes and very appropriate "My Heart Belongs to Daddy" shirt from Daddy's co-worker from DLA (and our good friends) Rachel, Steve and Helena :)

Francie loves her cousin Emmy! We had her last night for dinner and then took her over to her "dorm room" at the Johnets so John can take her to soccer practice/weight training in San Jose by 6am! She's crazy. But we LOVE seeing her so much now :)

Francie checking out the latest gossip in US Weekly with Emmy

"Can I pull off the Shiloh look Mom?"

"What? You still haven't finished my Shiloh blanket!"

Francie says, "HAPPY VALENTINES DAY" blog readers :)
(we got these cheesy cards made at the photo shop a couple weeks ago... we sent a few out but don't get your feelings hurt if you didn't get one, they were kind of a joke:)