Dad's Playdate

Heff was wondering when it was his turn to playdate so Tuesday night we had a get-together with the Dads too at Brilliant Babies. We had 10 couples and their little ones, all under 6 months. One of our Brilliant Babies clients, Ken Buck, came to take professional family and baby portraits in the Romper Room and we had lots of beer, wine and snacks to keep us all entertained. The babies played well together :) just starting to grab hands and faces of each other. We all hung out in the playspace from 5-8:30pm and didn't want to party to end so 5 of the hold out couples and sleeping babies rallied over to Bistro Vida for dinner too... the babies ALL behaved and let us have a great dinner, we enjoyed it while it lasts! (above Leo, Isaac and Francie with their Dads Josh, Chad and Heff)

The playgroup

Francie and Asher checking each other out

Scott, Asher and Amy... Asher likes to sit like his Dad!

Paige, Wesley and Chris

Francie and her Daddy... loving the Heineken

Moriah and Baby Natalie in her party best

"My friends are all here mom!"

Sarah and Aliza bjorning to walk home (lucky they live so close to downtown)

Ben, Josie and Jordie

Lindsey and Isaac

Francie had a wardrobe change for the photo shoot... taking some pictures with Dad (who turns 36 tomorrow!)

And another outfit (would expect any less?) Valentines PJ's for the rest of the evening festivities

"Josie, your hand tastes even better than mine does... and it's not as big as my mitt so I can almost fit the WHOLE thing in my mouth!"

What playgroup does best...

Francie scratching her head, "Hey, where did Natalie go?"

Flirting with Wes

"Hey Wes, will you be my Valentine?"

"Only if you hold my hand Francie"

Leo the senior member of playgroup

Round Two... dinner at Bistro Vida a couple doors down from Brilliant Babies. The owner let us take over the back half of the restaurant with strollers and carseats :)

Sleeping babies

Bert and Icie (Estelle's mom and dad)

Jordie and Ben (belong to Josie) just a little blurry after my French 75 :)

Erika and Josh (Leo's parents)

Crazy Paige (her husband had to go to a Rugby coach's meeting so she was the ninth wheel for the night:) with the Heffs