Happy Birthday Oma & Nana!

December 28 is Claire and Cathleen's birthday... 61 this year! (I wouldn't normally tell Oma, but Kat's cake gives you away:) We had a fun day hanging out at home with everyone, playing with the ponies and continuing work on the chicken coop. We had a great seafood Cioppino for dinner and we opened presents (Francie is starting to think this is something that happens on a daily basis) and had lots of fun with all the family. Thanks for sharing your birthday with us Oma & Nana!

Aunt Kat made a delicious Lemon Four-Layer cake

Happy Birthday to you!

The big girls let Francie play with their new markers. As you can see Kate really liked her "stinky markers."

The staircase is a great place for art projects at Oma's

"My cousins wear me out"

I love these silly "Cranky pants" I found on Etsy a while ago that finally fit

Ready for dinner in matching hats from Nana... at least Francie is predicatable!

The cooperative cousins

Heff wondering how in the world I have kept him confined to the compound for three days straight... in the "old days" he was off hunting and galavanting until dinner

Isabel loves hats! and cute mini apron her mom made her

A rare moment of cuddling for Francie and Isabel... "I'm gonna tickle you!"

Kisses for my cuz! This is REALLY rare for these two... they "love" each other like sisters ;)

Throw Ellie in the bunch

4... 3... 2... 1...

Late night poker game

Oma got a straight flush! Birthday luck.

We let some overly exhausted girls watch French singing penguins on YouTube

They're getting sleeeeepy....

... AND they're out!