More from Red Bluff

It doesn't get much better than this!
Ellie, Sadie, Francie and Ollie running out to the barn.

Mom with the girls

Barn raising

It was a team effort

Mark's well designed coop frame... Donald and Heff gave up helping and came inside for beers when Mark and Craig were discussing each cut of 2-by-4 at length down to the "cosine" :)

Baby Patrick!

and his Mom Auntie "Mo-Mo" according to Francie

Santi and Francie. Santi just needs a tutu.

Izza-Bizza bundled up. Just try and touch your waist Isabel :)

Girls in tutus and their dogs

The cool hay fort Uncle Mark and Donald built, it had a secret tunnel entrance under the plywood. Francie climbed all the way up to jump-jump on the top... she has been a wild banshee all weekend (more on that in the doll-house post coming up next :)

Uncle Brian and Isabel walking down the path to see...

The newest addition to the Heffernan Stables... Nugget the Pony! He was a Christmas surprise for the girls from Oma and Opa. Oma told Jannie she now has a "grandchild magnet" :)

Ronan and Isabel having words

Oma and Dad taking the Doo on a Nugget ride

Pony rides were a big attraction at least once a day

Ronan's turn with the twins Claire and Cathleen... on their BIRTHDAY!

HUGS for Patrick

Isabel has so much love to give :)

Patrick says "STOP taking pictures and save me from being suffocated!"