Election Day

Francie voted THREE TIMES on election day! Or at least she went to the polling booths three times and got three stickers :) First with Dad at 7:30am at the Firehouse (it took 90 minutes with all the before-work-voters), at 11:00am with Mom at the Firehouse (it took 6 minutes with a few stay-at-home-moms and retirees:) and again at 2:00pm with Jannie at "Emma's School" (they had a nice leisurely walk over and voted with the Menlo Oaks crowd).

"I'm sure tired after all that voting. Better just sit here and enjoy my first lollipop."
(in the latest JanKnit wool pants... so cute Jannie!)

We had Landry and her parents Mike and Kelli over to watch the election results roll in and enjoy Kelli's homemade lasagna. We knew they were a safe bet and on the same team to watch election results with without offending anyone (not to talk politics on Francie's blog and mention WHICH team but... they are from Texas so you can make a good guess :) We had fun playing with the babies and counting electoral votes. Francie gets a little "competitive" playing with some of her friends but she LOVES Landry. She was trying to share her milk and giving her toys and when Kelli ran out to pick up Landry's Dad at the train station Francie decided Landry needed a bow and some socks so off they went to Francie's room to play. It was so cute!

Francie giving Landry a kiss!

Landry just had her Cochlear Impants activated after her surgery last month and is doing great! We are so proud of her. As soon as Kelli put her "magic ears" on she started babbling away repeating sounds and talking to her friend Francie! She is one of the cutest babies around... Heff couldn't stop saying that all night :)

"You're funny Francie."

"So are you Landry!"

Thanks for coming over and bringing dinner Kelli, Landry and Big Mike!

"Y'all" wore Francie out! :)