Cleaning In the Rain

Saturday and Sunday we lounged around, organized the house and cleaned up the remnants of the party... in the rain! It was great weather for Juicy's and catching up on Tivo... not so great for raking up wet straw :) But we had fun and Francie was introduced to playing in the rain for the first time. We pulled out a cute rain jacket (after she soaked her PJ's) that the Davey's gave her when she was a baby and I thought... this won't fit her until she is a big girl! Well I think she is a big girl already :) She couldn't get enough of the rain and "wa-wa" all over the ground.

Following Dad around to clean up in her pajamas

"How did these pumpkins get full of wa-wa?"

"Mom I'm getting a little worried about getting all this straw out of my yard."

"See ya." Off to splash in the puddles.